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Becoming Jesus With Skin On for a Hurting World

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The Journey is calling...

“Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few." 


If you've found your way here to our site, there's a good chance that your heart is searching for something.


It's likely that you're being urged along by an elusive itch in your soul that keeps insisting that something is deeply and profoundly wrong with the idea of "Christian" as it exists here in this new century.

And more than anything, you want what's TRUE and REAL, free from all the baggage and religious noise.


If that's you, you're not wrong. There is something wrong. But the great news is, you're not alone and there are answers. 

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The Dust

Our world is filled with dust, both literally and metaphorically. As we go through life as disciples, the dust of everyday life touches us, influences us, and sometimes covers us. But, as his students, we seek to live out the way of Jesus in the here and now, so his words and presence speak to us every day.

And it's often in the Dust that we find him most present and his words most true. 


Let’s Engage

Phone Number: 423-321-2505    /     Email:   

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